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This monthly report covers cart and browse recovery results for November 2014. In November 2014, our average client doing cart and browse abandonment made £116K extra sales for each £1M of turnover (34% more than cart abandonment emails alone). This infographic shows cart abandonment levels and the results from sending cart and browse abandonment emails – both summary numbers and broken down by market sector.


Unbranded versions in different currencies: US Dollars, Euros, Pounds


Key observations:

  1. Sales uplift from real-time email marketing is slightly up at 11.59%.
  2. Cart abandonment rates have fallen again and are flat across the year
  3. We have figures for an entire year and it’s clear that cart and browse abandonment has held up well. Real-time recovery is with us to stay, so if you’re not doing it yet – now’s the time to start.
  4. The usual warnings apply. There is a lot of variation in sales uplift across our clients even in the same sector – everyone is making money, but not equally so. And, as with all such data, there is room for error in these figures. The recorded results could be too high, because some customers were going to buy anyway even if we didn’t send recovery emails, or too low because some were reminded by the emails but bought in a way that we couldn’t measure. We do our best, but nothing is 100% accurate.
Statistic This Month Figures Notes
Sales uplift 11.59% (8.11% from cart recovery plus 3.47% ifbrowse recovery is done too. Extra sales attributed to Triggered Messaging, compared to normal sales.
Sample Size About 1 billion page views From a representative sample of Triggered Messaging clients worldwide.
Proportion of Carts Abandoned 60.50% by number Number of abandoned carts/total number of carts.
Average Order Value of recovered purchase as opposed to regular purchases 43% Higher for a recovered purchase Cart recovery emails.
Proportion of revenue from browse recovery 29.06% Browse recovery revenue / cart+browse recovery revenue (for clients doing both)
Average return from a single cart recovery email £19.52 ($30.66) Cart recovery emails.
Average return from a single browse recovery email £2.73($4.73) Browse recovery emails (more of these are sent than cart recovery emails).

Source: Triggered Messaging; Posted December 3, 2014 by Pete Austin