Product Features

We also are often asked about the difference between Sender Authentication Package (SAP) and a Private Domain; both are designed to optimize email deliverability and sending reputation – but do they provide equal value? 

Sender Authentication Package

  • An account branding tool with a collection of functions to optimize deliverability and sending reputation: link and image wrapping, dedicated IP and Reply Mail Management (RMM). Also includes an authenticated private domain.
  • Link and image wrapping allows a chosen domain to appear in hyperlinks, images, headers, landing pages and preference centers.
  • Ideal for clients sending more than 250,000 messages per month (the minimum for a dedicated IP warm-up).
  • Comes with a single domain; additional sending domains can be acquired via Private Domains.

Private Domains

  • Send mail from an authenticated domain (including Sender Policy Framework, Sender ID, DomainKeys and DomainKeys Identified Mail Authentication). Think of it as the From address for your email sends.
  • Limited branding capabilities; do not offer link and image wrapping.
  • Beneficial for any company who wishes to send emails from multiple domains
  • Can purchase multiple Private Domains

Why is it important?

Dedicated IP addresses require a warm-up in order to establish a legitimate sending reputation. Since the minimum number of email sends for an IP warm-up is 250,000/month, companies who gain SAP with their Salesforce Marketing Cloud licence will typically benefit more when able to hit this monthly volume. If you send less than 250,000/month, you can still benefit from the authentication of SAP, you’ll just need to contact your Marketing Cloud team to discuss your options. 

Acquiring a Private Domain is a viable option for any company regardless of email volume. Private Domains are designed for senders who want to send authenticated mail and ensure that their landing pages direct back to the company instead of the Marketing Cloud. Link and image wrapping is not available via Private Domains and so should be considered in the decision making process.

Why would my company need a Private Domain if we already have the SAP?

Companies operating under multiple brand names often need to use more than one sending domain. Since the SAP only comes with a single domain, they must purchase additional sending domains in order to achieve this. If you plan to use multiple Private Domains within the same Marketing Cloud Member ID (MID), be sure to choose a more generic sending domain when setting up your SAP. If you are unsure, please contact the Bubblebox team as we can help to explain.

Is it included in all Marketing Cloud editions?

The Sender Authentication Package is included with every Pro, Corporate and Enterprise Licence.  While Private Domains, dedicated IPs and RMMs can be purchased individually – link and image wrapping is exclusive to SAP. In addition, only one SAP can be assigned per MID, however multiple Private Domains can be assigned per MID.

How to setup SAP and Private domains in Marketing Cloud?

Both SAP and Private Domains need to first be acquired via a Salesforce Account Executive before the setup process can begin. For an SAP, the configuration involves submitting a form to Salesforce detailing what domain or subdomain is going to be used.

As of November 16, 2020, a new release for Marketing Cloud allows Private Domains to be configured in the admin section of the platform. Please note that the domains still need to be purchased prior to the configuration.

Learn more from certified Marketing Cloud Experts. Connect with us on LinkedIn.

Want to talk to the Bubblebox team further about SAP? Connect with us!


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